Warby Parker Social Media Campaign

Back in the "Mad Men" days, many ads were created based off hunches, assumptions or gut feelings. But, in a time where people are inundated with pop ups, banners, and billboards, you lot really need to do your homework if you want your ads to succeed. With so much information readily available to marketers and designers alike, it'southward crucial that you put in the time to research the best approach for your campaign and let that information drive the direction you have with your advertizing blueprint.

What is advertizement design?

Advertising pattern is the intersection of marketing and design. Information technology refers to the visual artwork created specifically for advertisements (or, simply, "ads"). Ad pattern, which is ordinarily used synonymously with graphic pattern advertising, differs in the fact that its sole purpose is to sell products and services.

When information technology comes to your ads, there are so many options for you lot to leverage, from digital channels like e-mail marketing to traditional channels like magazine ads. In this guide, we'll be walking through 8 forms of advertising design, with examples to help inspire your adjacent campaign.

Types of Advertising Design with Examples

Video and Commercial Ads

Until 2006, you would generally only find this type of ad on TV. However, when YouTube gained its popularity (accounting for sixty% of internet traffic), innovative brands similar Nike saw an opportunity to interruption through the dissonance and advertise through online videos.

Now, video ads live everywhere; on Youtube, Instagram, TV, blogs, and and so much more than. Generally, video ads are a bigger investment because they often require a lot more production than traditional images or even graphic design. Still, when washed right the results tin can be worth the investment.

There are many studies effectually the effectiveness of video in advertisement, such as brands experiencing a 20-30% increment in conversion rates when their Facebook ads used video instead of stills. It's hard to ignore the ability of video!

With a larger investment, you want to make sure you lot're using your money wisely. Non simply should the bulletin resonate with your audience, but how you're portraying that bulletin is as as important.

One of the best ads to come up out of 2019 (and also one of the biggest make flex'southward) is Doritos' "Another Level" commercial. The make completely dropped their logo, but we're extremely creative in their employ of brand elements to make information technology known information technology was a Doritos commercial, including:

  • Iconic and unique bit bag colours
  • Heavy focus on the "cheese grit" that you get when eating these chips
  • Rhyming their brand name with "I demand those"
  • Clever use of the triangle scrap shape throughout the advertisement

Display Advertisements

Display ads can be plant on websites, apps and social media channels, and are created in a multifariousness of formats, including:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Or a mix of multiple mediums

Generally, this advert medium garners a loftier volume of impressions, but a low volume of click-through-rates. A lot of the time, this is because people don't even notice your advertizement. When it comes to this aqueduct, advert design tin can make or break your success. Often, display ads are trying to win views and clicks in an already stimulating environment. That's why it's so crucial to design something that's visually captivating to your audience (because if it isn't, people won't be clicking your ad).

An example of a great display advert campaign is join.me's. Not only are their ads consistent with their brand, simply they dissimilarity well against white, which you'll detect webpages with this type of advertizing take a lot of.

display advertisement example

Paradigm source: Bannersnack

Blueprint TIP: Think almost the context in which your ad will be displayed in, and observe ways to make it visually different or noticeable. For case, adding motion graphics to your pattern may gain you more clicks!

Social Media Ads

Depending on your business organisation model, social media ads offer a massive opportunity to bring leads and sales through the door. But when the norm on social media is just to mindlessly roll through your feed, creating ads that capture a viewer's attention is critical to your campaigns success; luckily that's easily achieved with adept design!

OpenCare has been popping up like crazy when information technology comes to social media ads (and they're killing it!). What makes their social ads so keen?

  • The images they use are visually exciting
  • Their make is consistently visualized beyond every ad
  • They mix their ads up between images and video
  • Their advertisements are very on-trend (like the example below, hopping on the Disney+ wagon)
social media ad example

When information technology comes to social media advertisements, it's important to really understand your audience. What accounts do they follow? What practise those feeds look like? How does that chronicle to your businesS? Find a style to both blend your advert in so that information technology feels natural in their feed, while capturing attention in under 3 seconds.

Oh, and don't exist agape to test different creatives and re-create to see what sticks!

We've got tons more digital advert design insights, expert tips and case studies in our newest guide! It covers channel all-time practices and case studies for: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Amazon, Third-Party Imprint Ads, Pinterest and more. Information technology's clogged of ideas, examples and tips for noobs and pros akin—check it out.

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Direct Post

Being 1 of the more traditional mediums for advertising, direct mail service is able to cutting through the clutter that is the cyberspace. All the same, design mistakes hither are extremely plush (I know from experience). You lot not only need to be 100% about your design… You need to make sure it looks good on paper, because in one case y'all hitting print, there'southward no going dorsum.

Here are some great straight mail advert design ideas to help get you started:

  • Provide a disbelieve for your production or services
  • Share the news well-nigh a new product yous're launching
  • Use information technology to upsell or cross sell similar the beautifully designed BMW straight mailer
direct mail ad example

Image source: Postary

DESIGN TIP: When printing anything, ensure that your brand colors are displayed correctly — you may need to use CMYK or Pantone skus. Make sure to enquire your print provider.

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Outdoor Ads

Billboards, street furniture, and transit ads—they're all different kinds of outdoor ads. And then, how do you lot capture the attention of passerbyers who are likely glued to their telephone screens? With creative ads that appoint your audition. When yous're creating an outdoor ad campaign, a pretty poster pattern isn't enough. You need to engage people so much that they're taking the action you intended them to accept — such every bit buy a product with your promo code, visit your website, and so on.

Sometimes, advertisers will use promo codes on these displays to help mensurate the overall effectiveness of the ad. This is smart, considering tracking outdoor ads is much less clear than digital where marketers tin see anything from clicks, views, and saves, to subsequent purchases and website visits.

Out of all of the advertizement design examples in this blog, my favourite has to be Casper'due south puzzle ads, which were placed all over public transit vehicles. Non only did they get commuters thinking and engaging with their ad, they enticed them enough to become back to their website for puzzle answers and mattress purchases with promo codes.

outdoor ad example

Paradigm source: Adweek

E-mail Marketing

Email marketing continues to evangelize a strong render on investment considering that for every $1 you spend on this aqueduct, yous tin can expect an boilerplate return of $42. But, with and then many promotional emails in a person's inbox, it'south important to create a visually compelling message that drives your audience to take action.

So, how do you design an advertisement for email? Look at how the top companies exercise it! Accept Warby Parker, for case — their e-mail advertisement examples are everywhere because they're amazing at information technology. Their emails are beautifully designed with a very articulate call-to-activity.

email marketing ad example

Image source: Mailcharts

Design TIP: Try non to stuff too many CTAs into your promotional emails. In fact, keeping it to just 1 is optimal, as seen with the above Warby Parker example.

Event Advertisement

What ameliorate to connect with your audience than confront-to-face? Upshot advertizing can be anything from sponsoring an issue, all the way to running your own. It's disquisitional to keep your branding in check and find ways to draw people in when doing any event ad. From signage that is smartly designed, to crafty handouts and prizes, make sure any you create holds true to your brand guidelines.

At that place is so much to think about when it comes to event ad, then to assist go y'all started, here are some creative advertizing ideas:

  • Create a photo booth at a trade testify and get attendees to share their pictures on social with a special hashtag
  • Mitt out creative branded items that stray away from pens, stress balls, or business cards
  • Create a contest encouraging people to come up to your booth for a chance to win
  • Host a breakfast for your power users and high-value customers
Event advertising example

Epitome source: Tigris Events

Here are a few different types of event advertising designs to consider:

  • Pamphlets
  • Signage
  • Banners
  • Photobooths
  • Display booth
  • Branded pens, buttons, water bottles, etc

Paper and Magazine Ads

This is the last medium of advert design that we will walk through today. Newspaper and mag ads can exist extremely effective when both the bulletin and design interpret the way you intend it to. A company that has completely knocked this medium out of the park is wear visitor Patagonia.

Creating a Blackness Friday marketing campaign that stands out can be extremely tough because there are so many — everyone and their grandma wants to annunciate on Black Friday! Not only did Patagonia stand out with their "Don't buy this jacket" entrada, but they stayed true to their values of sustainability.

newspaper and magazine ad example

Design TIP: Do your research. Make sure that your audience not only consumes this medium, but that yous're advertizing in the right magazine or newspaper. Yous likely wouldn't advertise your newest lipstick line in Men's Health, afterall?

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Advertising Design Tips

  • Tell a story: Don't underestimate the value of nifty storytelling. Just be certain that your story visually translates to your audience.
  • Ever have a CTA: Unless your campaign's goal is to increase brand awareness, always, always, always have a call-to-action. It'll let your viewer know what they should do next.
  • Go along is uncomplicated: If your advertizing is too complicated, chances are you'll confuse your audience. If you demand some inspiration, check out these design styles.
  • Choose curt and punchy copy: With advertising design, the focus should exist on the pattern itself. Use engaging re-create to support the story that your visuals are telling.
  • Accept advantage of the holiday season: During major holidays like Christmas and Valentines Day, people are more willing to buy and more importantly be sold to. Holiday ads should always be top of mind.

When you create an ad, you're creating an extension of your make. Thousands, if not millions, of people volition come across your advertisement so make sure it'due south conveying the bulletin and brand that you desire it to (like Patagonia!). Think that copy volition tell your story with words, simply great blueprint volition bring that story to life.

Not bad advertisements are centered around smashing design. Then, I'll leave you with some final thoughts. When you're approaching your adjacent advertisement design entrada, remember to:

  • Exist memorable
  • Stay true to your brand and its values
  • Have a articulate message
  • Set up goals and KPIs for your campaign

If you need help with your advertizing design or marketing collateral, Superside can help. With turnaround times as little as 12-24 hours, think of us as your extended design team. Book a call to learn more.

Published: Feb 3, 2020

Andres Levinton

Written by

Andres Levinton

Andres Levinton is a Performance Marketer at Superside. Besides advocating for quality design at scale, he spends his fourth dimension playing bossa-nova, searching for waves and cooking Argentinean asados.

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