Joke About the Traveling Salesman and the Farmer's Daughter

  1. Michael 345

    Michael 345 New year's day. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    This blonde was one of the blonde due south who were walking either side of a river
    She called over to the other blonde
    "How do I get to the other side?"
    Other blonde looked at her strangely
    "Y'all are already in that location"

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  3. Did yous hear about the blonde who tried to commit suicide?

    At that place were bullet-holes in the mirror.


    A blonde and a brunette both jumped off a cliff at the same time.

    The blonde took longer to hit the ground because she stopped to ask for directions.

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  5. so, this blonde gets tired of all the tired erstwhile cliche jokes well-nigh how stupid blondes are and goes to college.
    She manages to get multiple PhD's and several additional Masters degrees while instruction and lecturing all over the planet.
    One solar day, as she drove through rural America, she noticed a blonde in the middle of a farmers hayfield sitting in a rowboat trying to row across the field.
    The PhD blonde gets angry and pulled her automobile over. She carefully turns on her flashers and checks the road for traffic, then exits and crosses the road.
    Equally she gets to the fence, she is fuming.

    she starts to yell at the other blonde "It's blonde's similar you who give united states of america all a bad name! And if I could swim, I would come out there and kick your *ss!"

    (I used to collect blonde jokes and send them to my very pale skinned, naturally blonde daughter! in turn, she sent me curt jokes and told me I was the aforementioned superlative as a garden gnome! LMFAO)

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  7. A travelling salesman is talking to a farmer when a tractor pulls into the yard, driven by a pig. The squealer parks the tractor in the shed and goes into the firm.

    The salesman says, "Did I just see what I thought I saw? A hog driving a tractor?"

    "Oh aye," the farmer says, "He tin can handle all of the equipment. He does all of the repairs and maintenance also. He even does the books for the farm."

    "That's amazing," the salesman says. "Uh, I couldn't aid but discover, he has a wooden leg."

    "Yeah," the farmer nods, "When you've got a good pig like that, you lot don't want to eat him all at in one case."

  8. A human being walks into a pub and he sees two men at the bar, talking.

    "Do yous want a beverage, Donkey?" Says one homo to the other.

    A curt time later the man repeats himself, "Get the drinks in, Ass. Come up on, Donkey, go the drinks in, get the drinks in Donkey."

    When the human being goes to the toilet, the human being who entered the bar says to Donkey, "That'southward disgusting, the style that man keeps calling you Donkey. I think it's disgraceful."

    Ass says, "Oh, he-aw, he-aw, he always calls me that."

  9. ok enough of that-----at present tell us the real joke---the i with the farmer's daughter(s)
  10. A travelling salesman asks a farmer if he tin can stay for the night. The farmer says, "Okay, but you lot'll have to share a bed with my daughter."

    The salesman thinks that doesn't audio besides bad.

    And so the farmer adds, "The catch is... you accept to make beloved to my daughter more often than I make love to my wife."

    The salesman shrugs and agrees to give it a try.

    In bed with the farmer'southward girl, he marks a "1" on the wall. Half and hour afterward, he goes to it again and marks another "1" on the wall. Finally, an hour after, he's exhausted but he does information technology ane more time and marks another "1" on the wall.

    In the morning, the farmer comes into the room and looks at the wall. "A hundred and eleven, eh? Hmpf. Beat me past one."

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    A New View on Gravity and the Cosmos | Erik Verlinde

  12. You lot used that image without permission. Tut tut.
  13. yeh
    Information technology own't the first time I've done that and it won't be the final.
    However, I did link to Erik Verlinde's lecture wherein i found the epitome.................
    maybe he had permission, and i thereby had information technology by proxy?

    Erik Verlinde seems to have an interesting perspective
    Is the internet to be construed equally "public domain"?

  14. When you lot think of King Tut, practise you think of Steve Martin or Vincent Buono?
  15. Well, he'due south my favourite honky, then....
  16. Have you ever heard of a danger westward&nk?

    It'south when you get to the point when you're about to cum, and you shout, "MUM!"

  17. Have y'all e'er been caught sniffing your Mother's knickers?


    Yous must be skillful at it then.

  18. From an old Arthur Askey movie:
    Customer: You've got your thumb in the butter!

    Waiter: Well, I don't desire it to fall on the floor again.​

    He also did this ane, which you may accept heard before:

    Customer: Do y'all take any wild duck?

    Waiter: No, but I've got a tame i. I could aggravate him for yous.

  19. "You lot done stoled mah blood brother's pocket watch!"
    "I didn't steal it, I borrowed it. And remember, this is the same brother that was fixin' to plow u.s.a. in."
    "But you didn't know that when you stole his pocket sentry!"
    "Then I borrowed it 'ntil I did know!"
    - Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
  20. Michael 345

    Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Fellow member

    Found on cyberspace old black/white TV shows from Red Skelton Bob Hope and others merely no English language Tony Handcock yet

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  21. You can download some episodes of Hancock'south Half Hour from's half 60 minutes
  22. Michael 345

    Michael 345 New year's day. Present is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member


    Just added a few Gig and new 4G USB modem to my drove

    Will try presently

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  23. Don't wear Russian underpants or Chernobyl fall-out.

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